How to Select the Right Cigar Box for Turning Into a Humidor

Using a cigar box as a form of stogie storage seems as straightforward as it gets. Yet all too often we see people slapping their top-tier cigars into used cigar boxes that are anything but ideal. 

If you are going to turn an old cigar box into a humidor, there are some guidelines that must be followed.

While there are a ton of cigar boxes out there that can easily double as a humidor, getting the right box for your specific needs is vital to the safety of those twisted tobacco sticks.

Materials Matter...

Like any humidor that's worth a crap, cigar box ingredients matter a whole lot. It all starts with materials, and good ones at that. This means seeking out structurally sound cigar boxes made from thick slabs of Spanish cedar.

Thicker materials will help keep both the temperature and humidity levels within that beautiful box from spiking too quickly. So a good rule of smoke ring to follow is to look for the sturdiest cigar box you can find.

But So Does a Good Seal

May it be a bespoke humidor with locking latches, or a discarded cigar box of some sort, if it doesn't seal properly it is no longer worthy of being considered a humidor. It's merely a broken box.

When inspecting potential candidates, always open and close a cigar box lid a few times to make sure that it snugs down tight every time. Look for something that requires a bit of force to open and close. Beefier cigar boxes typically have a beveled lip inside, so that when the lid closes it creates a tight seal.

Taking it a step further, and seeking out something with sturdy hinges that are externally mounted, and a lid that either snaps closed or is magnetically fixed will ensure a tight closure.

Shop Purposefully

Knowing full well what you plan on storing inside your cigar box humidor is just as important as the container itself. If you smoke Churchill cigars, but the cigar box you select is intended for a toro vitola, chances are those smokes aren't going to fit.

The same can be said for those of you out there who are collectors, or who are into aging cigars. Having ample amounts of real estate inside a cigar box is very important, especially since things like hygrometers and humidification media remain mandatory.

Our suggestion is to look for limited release cigars, as they often come in larger, sturdier boxes, with multiple tiered trays stacked within.

Just make sure that it is larger than what you think you might need, and know that it's always best to have a bit more space inside than not enough.

Embrace the Dry Box Process

Dry boxing cigars helps guarantee that they are well acclimated to the environment in which they will be smoked. Simply stuff some stogies in an unhumidified cigar box with a tight-sealing lid, and allow them to sit for a few days. 

This makes those sturdier, locking-lid cigar boxes even more valuable. As the thicker Spanish cedar within their walls absorbs moisture quickly and allows you to get to safely smoking sooner than later. 

However, there is are many reasons why most people still opt for a dedicated humidor, and then utilize old cigar boxes as a method of dry box aging, or as a backup storage vessel for overflow. Which is why we here at Klaro utilize both forms of cigar storage to keep our stogies in prime condition.

To learn more about cigar boxes, and why they may or may not be right for you, scope out our in-depth article entitled "Grandfather To The Humidor: The Art Of The Cigar Box" for more nerdy details.