No. 162 by Lovely Cigars is our specially selected cigar of the month.
Lovely Cigars is a newer boutique brand with deep roots in cigar tradition, as far back as 1904. Starting out in Green Bay, Wisconsin, they tribute their brand to an old line out of called "Ain't They Lovely," which was around until the 1960s. Just like this debut release, the No. 162 cigar is a tribute to Green Bay and its cigar heritage and the union that represented the cigar rollers in Green Bay, Local 162. The cigar is constructed using fillers from Nicaragua and a Sumatran binder layered over an Ecuadorian Sumatran wrapper.
The result is a cigar with aromas of honey and vanilla, cinnamon graham cracker crunch and toasted toffee, and a floral finish with a retrohale that keeps on giving. An ideal option for those seeking Sumatran flavor without all of the body or strength.