Caldwell's the King is Dead is a premium cigar created by Robert Caldwell, a renowned tobacco aficionado. The cigar features a blend of aged Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos, with an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper.
It is medium to full-bodied and delivers a rich, complex smoke with notes of spice, nuts, and a hint of sweetness. The King is Dead is considered a top-notch cigar, perfect for those who enjoy a bold and satisfying smoke.
Each cigar is handcrafted and has a slow, even burn, allowing you to fully savor the flavors and aromas. This is a perfect cigar for those special moments or celebrations, and it is sure to impress any aficionado or casual smoker.
For the month of February 2023, all Klaro Membership subscribers receive either a Caldwell The King is Dead to try.
The cigar is described as being milk chocolate sweetness and is one of Caldwell's most unique cigars.
1st Third
This cigar starts things off with an explosion in you palette. It was one of the most interesting first draws that I have ever tasted.
2nd Third
The second third of this cigar starts off with the spice being toned down a bit and some of those milk chocolate notes start to settle in.
Last Third
The further I got into this cigar the more interesting the flavor profile was. The combination of the spices and milk chocolate just blended together very well.
Ash / Burn / Smoke / Draw
This cigar produced big, beautiful plumes of white smoke, and I didn't have to correct the burn or draw at all. Well rolled.
Final Thoughts
I have smoked a lot of Caldwell cigars and this "The King is Dead" has easily been the most unique cigar I have tasted. There is no denying that the combination of chocolate and spices in this cigar make it an amazing smoke.
Cigar Stats
Cigar | Caldwell The King is Dead |
Wrapper | Dominican Negrito |
Tobacco Binder/Filler | Dominican Corojo, Dominican Republic |
Factory | Dominican Republic |
Size | Torpedo |
Strength | Full |
Pairing Drink | Ice Water |
Rating | 4.4/5 |